RFC 2544 is the industry leading network device benchmarking test specification since 1999. Utilizing Aticara TestCenter next generation architecture, RFC 2544 benchmarking can execute faster with nanosecond accuracy at 10 Gigabit, high-density scale.
RFC2544 testing made easy
Aticara 2544 is a free PC application developed by Aticara for testing throughput, latency, loss, and burst performance as defi ned by the IEEE RFC 2544 methodology. In addition to full support for all of the confi guration and performance test types described in RFC 2544, Aticara2544 offers a number of powerful functional extensions.
Using the same terminology as RFC 2544, Aticara2544 features a simple intuitive GUI that makes it easy to create, edit and execute test confi gurations for Layer 2 and Layer 3 on one or more AticaraCompact and/or AticaraBay chassis.
Different network topologies and traffi c fl ow directions can be defi ned, and protocol layers can be MAC only, VLAN, Q-in-Q, MPLS, IPv4, IPv6, and UDP. Test reports can be generated in both PDF and XML format and extensive confi guration options are available for fi ne-tuning the tests.
Aticara2544 in automated scripting environments
Aticara2544 is ideal for interactive sessions, and the companion Aticara2544 Run utility makes it easy to perform RFC2544 testing from fully-automated scripting environments.
The Aticara2544 Run utility lets you execute any test confi guration created by Aticara2544 from the command line. Note that this utility is only capable of executing a Aticara2544 generated test confi guration, so the test confi guration must still be created with Aticara2544. The CLI of Aticara2544 (v. 2.32 and newer) is also supported under Linux using the Mono framework. This lets you execute existing Aticara2544 confi gurations in a Linux console* and obtain test reports.
Test reports can be created in either PDF or XML format or both. The XML report contains both a test results and a test confi guration section. The results section will contain the actual results, whereas the confi guration section contains the full confi guration used to perform the test. Scripting examples showing how easy it is to launch Aticara2544 from any scripting language using Aticara2544 Run, are available via Aticara’s website, as well as examples showing how the XML result fi le can be parsed and the results extracted.
Aticara2544 supports both single stream and multi-stream testing. Multi-stream testing lets test engineers manage the values of address fi elds in the protocol headers to emulate many more clients than the physical port count allows.
Using the Multi-Stream Confi guration tab, Aticara2544 lets you generate multiple streams between any two port pairs with the source and destination addresses in the streams defi ned by easy-to-confi gure parameters.
RFC2544 |
Features |
Key Test | |
Traffic Control | |
Learning Parameters | |
Test Topologies | |
Large Mesh Test Port Matrix | |
Reporting | Reports are available in PDF and .xml format |