Aticara L2-L3 Test Platform
Aticara is a completely software based and virtualized traffic simulator which can run on Commercial Off the Shelf Hardware (COTS) and can generate line rate traffic both state full and stateless.
Platform: Commercial Off The Shelf Server
Supported Hypervisors: ESX, KVM, Openstack
Supported Speeds: 1 /2.5/5/10/25/40/50/100 Gbps
Aticara offers tri-speed 25/50/100 Gbps as well as dual speed 10/40 Gbps Ethernet Test solutions.
Stream Based Traffic Generation
Load Profile and Traffic Scheduling
Using the Load Profile and Traffic Scheduling Wizard user can specify the Ramp Up, Ramp Down, Total Duration, Number of Iterations and also specify the Traffic Stream Distribution. This is helpful in simulating real world network traffic pattern like Daily Peak Period, Weekdays versus weekend, Fixed Daily Measurement Interval (FDMI), Holidays etc
Traffic Distribution Traffic Distribution Wizard lets us configure the utilization of bandwidth per stream
Real Time Statistics Aticara provides real time aggregate statistics on per port and per stream basis.
Latency and Jitter Calculation Real-Time Aggregate and per stream latency and jitter calculation
Scripting and Automation Aticara offers API’s in Perl, Python and Tcl for automation
Aticara offers tri-speed 25/50/100 Gbps as well as dual speed 10/40 Gbps Ethernet Test solutions.