Aticara AppStorm
Deployment of app aware infrastructure brings capabilities such as deep packet inspection, managing traffic, security and QoS. However testing app-aware network is Testing App-Aware Networks and NGFW IPS/IDS/DPI with Aticara Aticara challenging, as it requires emulation of realistic payload to emulate actual application traffic on your network.
Aticara ByteStorm
Aticara is a completely software based and virtualized traffic simulator which can run on Commercial Off the Shelf Hardware (COTS) and can generate line rate traffic both state full and stateless.
Platform : Commercial Off The Shelf Server Supported Hyervisors : ESX, KVM, Openstack Supported Speeds : 1 /2.5/5/10/25/40/50/100 GbpsAticara offers tri-speed 25/50/100 Gbps as well as dual speed 10/40 Gbps Ethernet Test solutions.
Aticara PcapStorm
Traffic replay is a traditional and effective technique used to emulate real word traffic. Since the recorded traffic used for replay has various protocols, packet sizes, Inter Frame Gap (IFG), Inter Burst Gap (IBG). Recorded traffic has been used for ages to reproduce customer issues in the lab.
Aticara RFC2544
Service Function Chaining provides the ability to define an ordered list of network services (e.g., Firewall, NAT, QoS). These services are then stitched together in the network to create a service chain.
A service function chain defines an ordered set of abstract service functions and orderingconstraints that must be applied to packets and/or frames and/orflows selected as a result of classification. An example of an abstract service function is "a firewall". The implied order
Is your Network ready for App Explosion?
Aticara RFC2889
The Layer 2 Ethernet switch is one of the most common networking devices. Layer 2 switching is associated with the Data Link Layer (Layer 2) of the standard of network programming, the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. Layer 2 Ethernet switches forward traffic, also called network frames, across various network segments. Forwarding is based on information in the frame’s Ethernet header.
Aticara Internet Of Things
IoT gateways are connected to the vSG. The IoT agent which resides in the IoT gateway is responsible for MQTT interface with the CPI. The MQTT messages from IoT gateway are published by the IoT agent to the CPI via eSG and vSG. The MQTT messages from CPI are published to the IoT gateway via vSG and eSG. The vSG acts as a router for the MQTT messages between CPI and IoT gateways. eSG is responsible for secured connectivity between IoT gateway and vSG.
Aticara TWAMP
The Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) is an open protocol for measuring network performance between any two devices in a network that supports the protocols in the TWAMP framework. It is a standard protocol framework that separates sessions based on the client/server architecture. The TWAMP client is a host that initiates the TCP connection and acts as a control-client and a session-sender, while the TWAMP server is a host that acknowledges the TCP connection and performs the roles of a server and a session-reflector. TWAMP-Control messages are exchanged between the control-client and the server and TWAMP-Test messages are exchanged between the session-sender and the session-reflector. Four different TWAMP devices can perform the four logical roles of TWAMP control-client, server, session-sender, and session-reflector.