Digital Media & Broadcast
Post Production :
With All Digital Camera Acquisition in 4K and beyond resolution, the need for processing 4K and Ultra HD is very common in the Industry, Processing power and the Equipments to perform the same not very similar to any existing one. Expertise in this area will help to define the solution better. The storage need for high performance, at the same time to scale according to the need will help to find a better point. ISOKE 's expertise in this area will help to define and also architect better solutions for the clients.
High Performance Rendering :
In the world of Visual Effects and Computer Graphics, the need for realistic visualization and getting the things similar to real world is always a task, With creating multiple layers of compositing and FUR like detail rendering means, using highest compute power required parallely to process several millions frames, along with different versions. In-depth knowledge and exposure to IT techniques to leverage the Rendering performance and using the current Cloud technologies can make VFX studios and production houses to manage cost and get the processing done much faster and efficient way. ISOKE 's expertise in this area will help to and also architect better solutions get high speed rendering Environment in house.
Content Acceleration :
File based workflows and streaming content to various medium for extended revenue is primary need for any Broadcast Segment or Studio, In order to effectively scale up the need and also to transcode high stream file formats and different deliverable's, the technology should be friendly and also getting easily Integrated with the current setup. Transcoding on Render farms, getting the content Ingested via different channels and getting the Digital Camera Workflows Optimized, can be better ways to effectively increase the ROI, ISOKE consultants and Solution Architects have decades of experience with in Broadcast Industry to ensure the workflow and the delivery goes smooth, along with Various Solution partners, ISOKE can be a very true value addition to Broadcast Segment.
Broadcast/Streaming :
When it comes to Media, starting from Post Production to Digital Cinema Distribution, the size of the content and also the efforts to transfer the content from one point or location to other will be a challenge to do it in a shorter duration, When Studios wants to collaborate and share the workload between Studio's in Different countries, Content transfer via Internet and Point to Point high Speed links are inevitable. While using the conventional FTP and other methods may not help in utilizing the entire bandwidth efficiently. WAN accelerators and other technologies can help to maximize the efficiency. ISOKE's partnership with various partners can deliver excellent results to achieve the same.
Media asset Management :
With Broadcast in various locations, and the processing studio's at different places, collaborating the data, content and getting them streamlined for production, can only be done with a effective Media Asset management Solution in place, also in order to ensure Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery for sustained revenue and being Risk mitigated completely, will only ensure the Business Divisions to perform higher and higher. ISOKE along with the MAM and several other Cloud partners can be a excellent combination to make sure the Media and the Content is safe along with the availability anytime with meta data information. It will also ensure the best ROI and the need that might scale very near future.
Storage For Media :
Unlike other Industries MEDIA, need specific breed of Storage to satisfy and perform the processing and Real-time playback of the Media files, when it comes to Broadcast and compressed file formats initially process at 100MBps can look sufficient, while soon the need per stream can grow as huge as 1.2 GBps for realtime 4K processing and other native RAW camera file formats. With the long standing myth on using Fibre based SAN for high performance storage always comes with a huge commercial BOM, and also when it comes to scalability, and upgrades, it may only land up in creating Islands of Storage, In order to give Customers a clear path on the Storage need for every Media Instance, the experts Team in ISOKE has in-depth knowledge on STORAGE technologies, and have been working with various partners to ensure its getting satisfied with scalable Storage Technologies, SCALE OUT NAS concepts. saves Cost, Energy and gives tremendous performance with scalability.